Trading Fee

Trading fees are charged when an order is executed on Vessel. The fees are calculated as a percentage of the total value of the received token.

Maker and Taker Fees

Currently, there is only one level of trading fee rate for Vessel users. In the future, Vessel will introduce VIP levels, where users will enjoy different fee rates based on their VIP status.

Maker Fee RateTaker Fee Rate

VIP Level 0



Pair Fee Discount

Pair Fee Discount is an additional factor applied to the trading fees for specific pairs, which can significantly reduce the fees for traders.

Please note that the promotional trading fees are only applicable to the trading pairs found in the list below.

Trading PairMaker FeeTaker Fee


5% * Standard Fee Rate

5% * Standard Fee Rate

User Fee Rate Example

If your VIP Level in Vessel is VIP 0, your Maker Fee Rate is 0.2% and Taker Fee Rate is 0.2%. Let's say you want to trade the USDC/USDT pair, and there is a 95% off on the taker and maker fees for this pair.


Your maker fee rate in USDC/USDT is 0.2% * (1-95%) = 0.01% Your taker fee rate in USDC/USDT is 0.2% * (1-95%) = 0.01%

Trading Fee Examples

Buying Example

If you buy 1 ETH at 3000 USDC, and the order is filled:

  • Your trading fee is 1 ETH×0.2%=0.002 ETH1 \text{ ETH}×0.2\% = 0.002 \text{ ETH}

  • You will receive 10.002=0.998 ETH1 -0.002 = 0.998 \text{ ETH}

Selling Example

If you sell 1 ETH at 3000 USDC, and the order is filled:

  • Your trading fee is 3000 USDC×0.2%=6 USDC3000 \text{ USDC}×0.2\% = 6 \text{ USDC}

  • You will receive 30006=2994 USDC3000 - 6 = 2994 \text{ USDC}

Please note that the fee model may change in the future. Stay informed by keeping an eye on our announcements for any updates.

Last updated