Switching Network

Connect to Sepolia Testnet

To participate in our alpha testing, you need to be connected to the Sepolia Testnet. Follow these steps to switch your network:

  1. Accessing the Network Switch Option:

    • If you are not already on the Sepolia Testnet, a pop-up will prompt you to switch.

    • Alternatively, you can manually switch to Sepolia by clicking on "Switch Network" in your wallet interface.

  2. Selecting Sepolia Testnet:

    • Once you have accessed the network options, click on "Show Test Networks"

    • From the list, select "Sepolia"

  3. Manual Configuration (If Required):

    • If Sepolia Testnet is not available by default in your wallet, you can add it manually using the following parameters:

      • Name: Sepolia Test Network

      • Chain ID: 11155111

      • RPC URL: https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/

      • Block Explorer URL: https://sepolia.etherscan.io

      • Currency Symbol: SepoliaETH

Please ensure you are connected to the correct network to ensure a seamless testing experience.

Last updated