Manage Positions

Increase Liquidity

If you want to provide more liquidity in one position, click on "Increase Liquidity" to start.

  • Step 1: Enter the additional amount of token you want to add.

  • Step 2: Click on "Preview" to review the details.

  • Step 3: Confirm to increase liquidity.

Collect Fees

To collect fees from a position, you can click on "Collect Fees."

  • Step 1: Preview in pop-up and confirm to collect. The collected fees will be added to your available balance.

Remove Liquidity

To remove liquidity from a position, you can click on "Remove Liquidity"

  • Step 1: Enter the percentage of liquidity you want to withdraw.

  • Step 2: Click on "Preview" to review the details.

  • Step 3: Confirm to remove liquidity. Each removal will also collect fees.

Last updated