
  • Pool: Vessel’s AMM pool consists of two assets, the base asset and the quote asset, aligning with trading pair terminology. For example, in an ETH/USDT pool, ETH is the base asset while USDT is the quote asset.

  • Tick: A tick represents discrete prices used in the AMM pool. Each pool is instantiated with a predefined set of ticks that remain unchanged throughout its lifecycle. In Vessel, ticks are defined in an arithmetic sequence, represented as a tuple <Tick0,TotalTicks,TickSpacing><Tick_0, TotalTicks, TickSpacing>:


    Ticki=Tick0+TickSpacing×(i1),0i<TotalTicksTick_i=Tick_0+TickSpacing \times (i-1), 0 \le i < TotalTicks

  • Interval: An interval is the minimal divisible price range in the AMM pool. IntervaliInterval_i covers the price range [Ticki,Ticki+1][Tick_i, Tick_{i+1}], managing buy orders at TickiTick_i and sell orders at Ticki+1Tick_{i+1}.

  • Liquidity: Liquidity is the total size in base asset of orders managed by the AMM within a specific range. The liquidity of IntervaliInterval_i is the sum of buy order sizes at TickiTick_i and sell order sizes at Ticki+1Tick_{i+1}. The pool's total liquidity is the sum across all intervals.

  • Position: A position indicates how an LP provides liquidity within a specific range, defined by <TickL,TickR,L><Tick_L, Tick_R,L>, covering [TickL,TickR][Tick_L, Tick_R], with LL liquidity in each interval.

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