Place Order
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Assuming the current WBTC market price is 67,798.41 USDC and you want to buy 0.1 BTC at 67,750 USDT.
Step 1: Select “Limit”
Step 2: Set the buy price as 67,750 USDC.
Step 3: Enter the amount 0.1 that you want to buy.
Step 4: Click “Buy WBTC” to place the Limit Order.
After the order is placed, this order will be filled automatically when the price drops to 67,750 USDT or below.
Assuming you want to buy 0.2 BTC at Market price.
Step 1: Select “Market”.
Step 2: Enter the amount 0.2 that you want to buy.
Step 3: Click “Buy WBTC” to place the Market Order.
In general, your order will be filled immediately, and the assets you will cost might be slightly different than the calculated amount before the order is placed. Under some circumstances, the order may fail. This often occurs when the buy ratio is close to or equal to 100%. Additionally, if the liquidity is insufficient and the price slippage exceeds 5%, the order will not be executed.